Friday, April 22, 2011

Russian Dwarf Hamsters Frequently Asked Questions

Russian Dwarf Hamsters lifespan is between 1-3 years, so make sure you enjoy your pet and treat them well for those short years of their life!

Q. Should I get a male or female Russian Dwarf Hamster?

A. Female Russian Dwarf Hamsters tend to be easier to tame then their male counterparts. It seems that males need more patience to domestic properly.

Q. Why do male hamsters start riding the backs of other male hamsters? Are they mating?

A. No silly, male hamsters cannot mate. First make sure that they are actually both male and if they are males then it is simply that the male hamster is reaching its puberty stage of development.

Q. Can you fix a Russain Dwarf Hamster?

A. It is definitely possible but not suggested. If your objective is to make sure your hamster does not breed, then the best solution is to make sure a male and female are not in the same cage together because they will mate!

Q. Can I place my Russian Dwarf Hamster with other hamsters such as Syrian or Chinese or Winter White or Robo Hamsters?

A. No, this is absolutely not a good idea. Each breed of hamster should be enclosed into a den of its own kind of species. For example, Syrian hamsters should never be placed with any other kind of hamster because it will naturally fight and try to kill rival hamsters.

Q. Should I bathe my Russian Dwarf Hamster?

A. They naturally sprinkle water on themselves from time to time, personal bathing is not needed.

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